
MyModules MyModules is a smartphone app which replaces the need to call in newly-made cotton modules by voice to the gin. It can be used by cotton producers, field supervisors, or custom pickers. It allows a producer to see when his modules have been picked up, and when they have been ginned. You can also see a summary of bales: how many are ginned, classed, sold, or put into loan or popped.

Modules can be recorded right in the field, automatically capturing the GPS coordinates, Or record them later. Either way, you've got a record of the modules you built, and you can see when they've been picked up by the gin.

  • View the status of all of your modules.
  • View summary status of all of your bales.
  • Can be used by custom pickers as well. (click here for custom picker setup instructions.)
  • Can be installed on multiple phones for a single producer. This allows large farming operations to use the app on the phones of multiple field supervisors.
  • Manage multiple producer accounts on one phone.
  • Use the camera on your smartphone to scan module-tag barcodes.
* Your gin must be subscribed to CottonHost (an eCotton service) in order for you to send or receive any module data.

Visit for more reports from your gin after ginning starts.

Here is a recent Southeast Farm Press article about MyModules.
Available in Android Market   Available in the iPhone App Store

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